About PMDonkey

So why was PMDonkey Created

I am a certified Project Manager with over 20 years of experience in Project Management.  I have worked for several companies over my time, and the thing that I have learnt is a lot of these companies do not provide the detail or lack tools to run a project.  So, this is where I came up with the idea to build a website that will not only explain what Project Management is all about, but also provide you with the detail and tools to be able to run a project in the real world.

You might say not another Project Management website.  Well, PMDonkey is a little different I believe.  I have visited a lot of websites over the years and the thing I have found difficult is finding a complete website that covers everything to do with Project Management.  I am not saying that all the other websites out there are rubbish, far from it, all I am saying is that I have not managed to find one that covers everything under one roof, like what is Project Management, Project Lifecycle, Project Governance and Project Templates.

PMDonkey’s goal is straightforward: to provide you with all the tools and step by step information for you to be able to succeed in the world of Project Management. The approach, while innovative, is founded on simple, uncomplicated fundamental principles.

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So why did I decide to call it PMDonkey!

Name Search

Naming your business is always a hard one.  You go through so many names before you finally chose one.  I always wanted the letters PM in the name to represent Project Management, but simply calling your Business PM or Project Management is a bit boring.  I wanted to make it fun, exciting, something different, so I started to bang around different names with PM in it. I tried using one of those word generator sites, but nothing seemed to fit.  I tried to incorporate things that interested me, but again nothing really stuck out.  And then it came to me, Donkey.  My wife has a love for Donkeys and is always going on about wanting one, so BOOM PMDonkey.com was born.  It goes without saying my wife was very happy with the name.

 So, I can truly say that it was my wife that was the inspiration behind the name.  Thanks honey.

Your one stop shop into Project Management

Being a Project Manager can be extremely stressful at times.  You are the face of the project, the person in charge of the delivery, and the leader of the project team.  You are working to numerous constraints, budget, cost, scope, and you feel like you have no one to turn to for advice and guidance. Well no more, PMDonkey is here to provide you with that support, the guidance and material so that you can succeed in the role that you love.  

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You are no longer alone

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Start exploring the world of Project Management

Explore the worlds of Project Management, where you will gain an understanding into Project Management, Project Lifecycle, Project Governance as well as access to Project Templates.

Also check out the sister website BAMonkey.com for everything you need to know about Business Analysis.

Project Management

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Project Governance

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Project Lifecycle

All about Project Lifecycle

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Business Analysis


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Project Templates

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